Looking to Lose Some Weight for the New Year? We Can Help in North Liberty IA

Looking to Lose Some Weight for the New Year in North Liberty IA?

Looking to Lose Some Weight for the New Year? We Can Help in North Liberty IA

Read on for more information from our chiropractic clinic in North Liberty IA!

Weight Loss in North Liberty IA

Whether you are just looking to get healthier or hoping to shed some pounds in 2015, we have a list of 10 foods and beverages that will help you burn fat and rev your metabolism. Over the next few weeks we will be covering each item and how it can aide in your goal to become a healthier and happier you.

Water- It may not have been the first thing to come to your mind, but water is our life source. Drinking plenty of water is important for a healthy lifestyle. Drinking water can lessen your appetite. Many times, people tend to eat when really, they are just thirsty. Drinking plenty of water will be sure to keep your waistline slim. In addition, water can help your body flush out toxins that we keeping your from losing weight. It’s recommended that each individual drink half their body weight in ounces per day. So if you are a 140 lb person, you should drink 70 ounces of water a day.

Have a burning health question? E-mail it it PR@kayfamilychiro.com

Check back next week to see what’s next on our list!
-Dr. Kayla

8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Kay Family Chiropractic

710 Pacha Pkwy #4
North Liberty, IA 52317

(319) 626-3500